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Jennie's Healing Garden

Your generosity matters!
Call (712) 396-6040 or visit our online donation page today and make your gift today.

Healing Garden Stone Pavers

Photo of Methodist Jennie Edmundson Healing Garden Pavers

Beautiful, engraved, stone pavers form the walkway of the garden, and each paver is personalized with a message to be read by those who seek comfort and solace. Some of the pavers celebrate the birth of a child, others memorialize a loved one and still others commemorate or honor an individual or special event. 

Jennie's Healing Garden is supported solely by donations, and you can help us grow. Leave a legacy and become part of the healing by giving a gift of hope.

If you would like to support the Healing Garden, please complete this form and return it to the Jennie Edmundson Foundation.